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Find Your Opal Escape.

Elevated Escapes to Bring Your Dream Getaway to Life

A collection of luxury hotels and resorts with timeless allure in the most sought-after destinations across the Eastern US

Opal Collection is a premier assortment of luxury hotels and resorts, located in the most treasured destinations on the East Coast. Spanning north from our Bar Harbor, Maine resorts to the southernmost tip of Key West, Florida, we offer curated, memorable getaways for every trip on your bucket list. Like the effervescent shimmer of an Opal gemstone, each destination radiates with its own unique experiences. Each property reflects a distinct connection to its destination through locally inspired design, regional culinary features, and signature activities.

Nine Opal Collection Properties Recognized in 2024 Readers’ Choice Awards

Condé Nast Traveler
Opal Collection’s 10th Anniversary

Cheers to a Gem of a Decade

Opal Collection turned a decade old as of March 2024. So we’re toasting our big 10 with monthly special anniversary offers, an array of 10th-anniversary-themed content, exclusive on-property perks, and favorite guest moments from the past decade – all until the end of 2024.

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    Couple on a beach in Florida

    Special offers make it easier than ever to get away from it all

    A dolphin jumps out of the water at the Clearwater Aquarium

    Insider Tips for Your Perfect Escape

    Opal Unpacked is the local’s guide to making the most of your Opal Collection escape. From insider tips on your favorite property to the best local hotspots in every destination, our blog has everything you need to inspire a one-of-a-kind adventure.

    Explore Opal Unpacked
    Event space details at Opal Collection Hotels

    Host Your Next Gathering with Opal Collection

    Set the stage for a gathering to remember with stunning event spaces, sparkling coastal views, and expert events teams. Whether you’re planning a wedding, meeting, conference, family gathering, we’ll help you craft incredible memories.